If your door has been damaged, whether deliberately or accidentally, its safety and the security of your premises may have been severely compromised

Our experienced engineers provide a range of repair services to ensure your door is returned to full working order as quickly as possible. Each of our highly trained installers is employed directly by Carrington Doors and we never pass work onto subcontractors. This allows us to oversee every project and ensure that our quality standards are maintained at all times.



Let our experience save you time and money. We offer fast professional service and repairs to keep your loading areas working and your products moving. Our technical surveyors offer free advice and, when necessary we can dispatch a rapid response repair team to deal with door and shutter emergencies.

We carry large stocks of spare parts for all types and makes of doors and shutters. Our experienced engineers are fully trained and based locally in your area.

Our low cost, no strings service agreements can reduce down time and help you budget.

Our Professional maintenance and roller shutter repair service is available 24 hours a day. In the unlikely event that a door or shutter is beyond economical repair, our factories can quickly manufacture a replacement for installation with minimum inconvenience to your operations.

Manual doors and roller shutters can be converted to electric operation by our factory trained personnel. Choose from a wide range of control options – from simple push buttons to sophisticated remote controls and induction loops.


Servicing of Industrial Doors and loading bay equipment is a legal requirement (Provision of Workplace Equipment Regulations 1992). As an employer you must ensure that the equipment you provide is suitable and safe to use.

We are able to provide a low cost service agreement where each door will be serviced by a competent engineer and a report issued on its condition. The outlay is minimal and the fact that your doors and loading bay equipment are being regularly inspected will ensure you meet with current Health and Safety legislation and give you peace of mind.

Our service agreements are not “fixed term” and may be cancelled at any time, if necessary.

Please remember that maintenance contract holders are guaranteed priority attention in the event of any unexpected emergency – whatever the time of day or night.

Flexible cover when you need it

Doors have a considerably longer lifespan if they are properly maintained. Find out more about our maintenance contracts.

Keeping your employees safe

Electrically operated roller shutters/doors are classed as “machinery”. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act, if a company has purchased an electrical shutter, they are bound by law to make sure the shutter or door is serviced at least once a year. If it is not, then any warranty is void.


Planned Preventive Maintenance


Have questions?

We are committed to providing outstanding levels of customer service and using quality products fitted by our own installation teams, at competitive prices. Expert advice, free site surveys and full detailed quotes are all provided by our experienced and helpful staff.

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